Last days it was time I had to put my ideas about Cmakeland on the back burner. That was really a deft touch to make a friend with Jekyll. Jekyll is a simple lightweight static html generator. One of the best advantages of static html page is speed. Static pages are created very fast comparing to dynamic ones. Together with my new friend Jekyll (I prepared .md files Jekyll generated html pages) we added new features and made some fixes to Cmaketopia page.
A list of changes:
- dynamic menu based on CSS and JavaScript
- rearranging of pages
- removing typos
- small fixes
- and a badge Yeah we have one !!!!!
The badge is free to print or download, but remember when you use it some magic will happen. You are becoming the Cmaketopian at heart. Be careful and don’t touch it if you don’t agree with the Cmaketopia philosophy.