
A dream of Warsaw Sen o Warszawie
I do have - like you - Mam tak samo jak ty
my town, and in it; miasto moje a w nim
my most beautiful world najpiękniejszy mój świat
most beautiful days najpiękniejsze dni
I left there colourful dreams. zostawiłem tam kolorowe sny.
Once I will halt the time Kiedyś zatrzymam czas
And like a bird on its wings i na skrzydłach jak ptak,
I will fly with strength będę leciał co sił
To the place where my dreams are, tam gdzie moje sny
And the colourful days of Warsaw. i warszawskie kolorowe dni.
If you’d like to see Gdybyś ujrzeć chciał
the dawn at the Vistula nadwiślański świt
Start out there with me already today już dziś wyruszaj ze mną tam
You’ll see how nice a welcome is zobaczysz jak przywita pięknie nas
awaiting us by the Warsaw day. warszawski dzień.
I do have like you, Mam tak samo jak ty
my town and in it: miasto moje a w nim
my most beautiful world najpiękniejszy mój świat
most beautiful days najpiękniejsze dni
I left there colourful dreams. zostawiłem tam kolorowe sny.
If you’d like to see the dawn at the Vistula Gdybyś ujrzeć chciał
the dawn at the Vistula nadwiślański świt
Start out there with me already today już dziś wyruszaj ze mną tam
You’ll see how nice a welcome is awaiting us by the zobaczysz jak przywita pięknie nas
Warsaw day warszawski dzień
Warsaw day warszawski dzień
Warsaw day. warszawski dzień.

To be effective, software projects always need tools to con figure and build the final applications or libraries from sources. Under normal circumstances developers have to repeat build task several times every day, so it is very important to have that process under control and repeatable. The build task should be very fast and efficient. For open source projects it is even more important to have simple unified tools, which can be utilized on many platforms. It will be perfect if developers may use build tools regardless of IDE. For these who want to achieve the high level of portability, CMAKE + Ninja seem to be a good choice. This project try to learn how to use CMAKE cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package your software in a modern way. We begin with no knowledge of the subject at hand, just learning from scratch. If that’s what turns you on that’s fine by me.

Code Examples

You can download the example code files for this tutorial from UncleCShark GitHub repository.
Go ahead and never say die! It’s high time to get our feet wet.
Best regards

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